
Saturday, February 27, 2016

Dementia Tablet Computer Research, Free Alzheimer's App, Video 4:20

Do you like using tablet computers?  I know I do. What about people with dementia? Do nursing home residents with dementia experience similar enjoyment when they use them? Yes, they do, and many people with dementia are using them. In a study of nursing home residents with dementia using tablet computers, residents responded well to therapy after using them three times a week over a three-month period. In fact, they showed a high degree of acceptance. The two greatest benefits for them were easy handling and the variety of multifunctional applications (apps).

Suvien: Free Tablet Computer App from iTunes Connects Families

The following video features Suvien, a free tablet computer app that helps families, friends, and people with dementia make positive connections. It was initiated by a group of volunteers working with the Alzheimer’s Society of Ontario. Families upload content (messages, events, pictures, video, music, questions, etc. to a secure website. The person with dementia is comforted and stimulated by familiar images and other content. Likely most effective for Alzheimer stages 3,4,5,6, the free app can be downloaded from iTunes. Below is a video demonstration of how it works:

Frances Shani Parker, Author
Becoming Dead Right: A Hospice Volunteer in Urban Nursing Homes is available in paperback and e-book editions in America and other countries at online and offline booksellers.

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